Let’s Talk with Libby Payne

Today's episode is with the incredible Elizabeth Payne. Libby is a  21-year-old Youth Activist with Plan International Australia, who has worked in the period advocacy space for over 4 years. During this time, she has written a number of articles for The Guardian and the Women’s Agenda on the importance of access to free period products, and the impact that the pandemic has had on exacerbating period poverty, on top of being interviewed by the SMH, SBS, and Triple J. This year she was part of Modibodi’s Menstrual Health Day ‘End Period Poverty’ activation, where she spoke on a panel alongside Modibodi’s founder Kristy Chong, and founder of Share the Dignity Rochelle Courtenay, on the importance of sustainable period products in the international development space.

In this chat we talk on;

  • Libby’s experiences learning about periods, puberty and sexual health whilst at school

  • How a high school project led libby to become involved within the period advocacy space and now be a youth activist with Plan International Australia

  • The accessibility issues we’re facing when it comes to period products in 2021

  • How COVID-19 has exacerbated period poverty and the flow on effects it has had, and how reusable products can help

  • How we can change the narrative and normalise conversations around periods

  • What impact Libby has created so far and what’s coming up next for her

If you loved hearing from Libby you can find her on Instagram at @libaaaby.  If you want to keep updated with all things Let's Talk, Period. you can follow us on Instagram at @letstalkperiodau. Also if you haven't already, join the Let's Talk, Period. Podcast Community on facebook! It's the place to bring together the  beautiful people who listen to the pod, who want  to talk on health and wellbeing, as well as all things LTP. You can join here.

Also if you feel so inclined, I'd really appreciate if you could leave a rating and a review if you're listening on Apple!

Your host  is Isabella Gosling (@i_gosling)


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