Let’s Talk with Daisy Richardson

Today's episode is with the lovely Daisy Richardson! Daisy was a back to back contestant on two seasons of 'Australian Survivor'. Daisy grew up on her family cattle station in South-West Queensland, a 12 hour drive from Brisbane. Since the onset of her period and symptoms at 14 years old, she experienced countless dismissals from medical professionals, being told that there was nothing wrong with her. In 2017, Daisy was diagnosed with endometriosis after over 10 years of symptoms and many misdiagnoses. Daisy is passionate about connecting with others who are affected and advocating for correct information and treatment. 

In this chat we talk on; 

• Daisy’s journey to her endo diagnosis and the physical intuition she had that something just wasn’t right

• How going on Survivor changed her menstrual cycle and how she managed her endometriosis whilst on the show!

• The challenges or barriers Daisy faces with having endometriosis

• How endometriosis has changed Daisy’s mindset, and what it has given her

• What Daisy would like to see change within the pelvic health space 

• What’s coming up next for Daisy 

If you loved hearing from Daisy you can find her on Instagram at @daisyrichardson. If you want to keep updated with all things Let's Talk, Period. you can follow us on Instagram at @letstalkperiodau. Also if you haven't already, join the Let's Talk, Period. Podcast Community on facebook! It's the place to bring together the  beautiful people who listen to the pod, who want  to talk on health and wellbeing, as well as all things LTP. You can join here.

Also if you feel so inclined, I'd really appreciate if you could leave a rating and a review if you're listening on Apple!

Your host  is Isabella Gosling (@i_gosling)


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