Why do my boobs hurt?

Ouch! Do you get sore breasts and think… “Is this just me?”. Well you’re not alone, lots of people who have endometriosis or adenomyosis also suffer from sore boobs! There are lots of different reasons for why you may be experiencing breast sensitivity or soreness.

Generally, breast sensitivity or soreness occurs as a result of fluctuations in hormones or hormonal changes. Oestrogen can cause enlarging of the breast ducts and progesterone can cause swelling of the milk ducts, these changes in hormones happen throughout the month in line with your menstrual cycle. If your cycle is ‘normal’ (between 28-32 days), this breast sensitivity usually will only last up to a week.

If you are using hormonal treatments for the management of endometriosis or adenomyosis, these can also increase breast tenderness, generally due to the increased progesterone levels from these medications or devices.

It’s important to keep track of any breast tenderness or sensitivity, any changes to your breasts, or lumps. Knowing what is normal and not normal for you can assist in identifying abnormalities and early intervention should there be something more serious going on.

However, it’s important to consult your healthcare professional if you have any changes, such as:

  • pain which interferes with your daily activities

  • any new or changed lumps

  • discharge from nipples (especially brown or red coloured discharge)

  • changes to shape, size or symmetry of the breasts

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