Let’s Talk with Jess Woolley

What better way to kick off Adenomyosis Awareness Month than with the incredibly strong Jess Woolley, founder of @jesshasadeno and adenomyosis advocate. Jess started her instagram account in 2018 after finally being diagnosed with adenomyosis, after years of wondering what was wrong with her body. She has cultivated a following for speaking openly about her experiences with not only adenomyosis, but also mental health. Jess wants the lack of awareness for adeno to end, and for more people to be speaking openly about the condition.

In this chat we talk on:

  • What it feels like to finally receive that diagnosis after years of being told nothing's wrong for years

  • Processing anger around having adeno, as well as her tips for working through this

  • Why Jess started @jesshasadeno and the community she has cultivated as a result

  • Jess' experience with mental health, starting medication and ending medication stigma

  • Studying when you have a chronic illness and her top tips for doing so

  • How Jess manages guilt around her adenomyosis

  • What adeno has given her

  • Plus so much more

If you loved our chat with Jess, and want more from her you can find her on Instagram @jesshasadeno. If you want to keep updated with what we're up to you can follow us on Instagram at @letstalkperiodau. If you do enjoy listening and want to be notified when our new eps drop, you can subscribe or follow the show! We would also love it if you shared this episode with a friend or family member, or even show us how you're listening! Tag us on instagram stories or in your grid, it really does help us out and helps us grow our community!

Your host is Isabella Gosling (@i_gosling).


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