Let’s Talk with Georgia Stuart

In this episode Isabella talks with Georgia about her experience with endo and adeno, and the process it took to be diagnosed, as well as the ongoing management of these conditions. She also talks on why she started her instagram account @theendojournal, how and why she's amassed such a large following, the impact and highlights she's had as a result of her online community, anxiety, mental health stigma and Georgia's journey with medicinal cannabis, after being approved last year.

Just a note around sound for this episode, you might hear some brushing sounds, which is just Georgia's headphones brushing against her jumper, as well as some wildlife (imagine you're at a tropical retreat whilst you're listening - bliss).

Loved our ep with Georgia? You can find her on instagram @theendojournal, if you want to keep up with what we're up to you can follow us on Instagram at @letstalkperiodau. We would also love it if you subscribed or followed the podcast, as it helps other listeners to find our show! We also have our very own Let's Talk Period. Podcast Community, which allows you to continue the conversation about each and every ep, you can join here.
Your host is Isabella Gosling (@i_gosling).


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