How to Boost your Confidence

by Amy Phillips


Amy is a serial entrepreneur, advocate for women living life on their own terms, and 100% positive in knowing that your mindset controls your reality.

She is the founder of Making Her Magic, and works with women to go for their aspirations and feel supported and celebrated in ‘the hard stuff’ in life such as building a business, changing jobs, moving cities and setting those BIG, scary goals.

Having confidence will mean something different to everyone, but all that matters is that you  are feeling that self love that will light a fire inside of you to keep going. That ‘fire’ can be  motivation, confidence, enthusiasm or a growth mindset that allows you to believe you can  evolve, grow and learn all while loving the process.  

Confidence; “the feeling or belief that one can rely on  someone or something; firm trust.”  

That someone meaning you. Let’s get into how you can build trust & love for yourself. 

1. Get to know you for you 

Have you ever sat down and truly thought about who you are? What have you achieved? What  did you learn from those experiences? How do you want to be seen and treated? How do you  treat others? These questions are important to get to know yourself because it gives you a  baseline of self reflection and core values. The ability to self reflect and establish core values is  such a fun way to get to know the best version of you, and who you want to be.  Remember: you can be confident while working towards your best self. Every version of you is  unique, special and important.  

2. Self awareness  

Something that is spoken about a lot in the personal development world, but very little is  understood about it from a clients point of view. Self awareness is not only the ability to see &  hear yourself as you respond and react, but also can be used as a learning tool. This tool gives  you the power to acknowledge what environments make you feel better, or worse, and what  people or things trigger you the most. This isn’t to say that it makes it easy just to run away or  avoid these people, places or things, but it gives you an opportunity to reflect on those feelings  that come up, and gives yourself the space to process them accordingly.  

3. Compassion  

To others is important, to yourself is necessary. You are only human, you have gone through  things you didn’t think you’d make it out of, and yet you’re here. Giving yourself compassion  while on the journey to self love and confidence is the greatest tool to have in your mindset kit.  Use this while showing yourself acts of kindness, such as nourishing your body, resting when  you need to, and diving deep into your favourite book just because you feel like it. There  doesn’t need to be a rhyme or reason to why you perform certain tasks or activities for  yourself, you just have to show compassion and kindness within them in order for you to get  the most benefit from them.  

4. Cheer on your damn self  

You’re the only one who knows what you’ve gone through, what you want to achieve and how  you want your life to look like. Maybe you want a steady job, a romantic partner, or a healthier  lifestyle. Whatever it is you are aspiring towards, don’t ever forget to cheer on your damn self!  

YOU should be your biggest cheerleader, because trust me, no one else is going to be  watching you as closely as you are. Confidently tell others what you are doing and what you  have achieved, and do so unapologetically! 

5. Know that you are 1 in 400 trillion  

In a 2011 TedX Talk, Mel Robbins announced that the chances of you being born are 1 in 400  trillion. I don’t know about you, but I can’t even wrap my head around how many zeros that is.  1 in 400 TRILLION! You made it to where you are today for good reason. You are already a  superstar for being able to read this damn blog! Remember that although you are working on  yourself, working on loving yourself, and working on being the most authentic version of you,  there is always time to appreciate how far you have truly come, just by being here right now.  

If you follow me on socials or listen to my podcast, you would already know the kind of ladies I  like to preach to; and it’s you. It’s the lady who shows amazing skills but doesn’t know it. It’s  the lady who shows up every day for herself without fail. It’s the lady that knows although she  might be working on herself, she is perfect just the way she is. Wanting more from life and from  yourself is not a bad thing, and it doesn’t mean that you have to dislike any aspect of those  things you have currently. Life is full of ups and downs, but there is always one consistent; you.  

If you need an extra hand to work on your self confidence and self acceptance, I am taking on  1:1 clients now for my private life & mindset coaching service. You get to decide what you want  to work on, and with a little help from me and my experiential advice, you will come out the  other side of coaching with the tools and strategies to show up as your most confident,  authentic self. You can sign up on Amy’s website here.

Disclaimer: Content on Let’s Talk, Period. is produced for educational purposes only, and the information, recommendations and topics discussed throughout does not constitute medical advice, nor does it take into consideration your personal circumstances or medical history. This content should not be used in place of tailored advice and treatment from your personal medical team, nor is it designed to treat or diagnose any medical condition/s. Let’s Talk, Period. and all contributors for Let’s Talk, Period. accept no responsibility or liability for any expenses, damages, losses or costs you or any other party may incur as a result of the content shared across any Let’s Talk, Period. platform.


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