Let’s Talk with Emilia Victoria

Beautiful LTP fam it's time for another interview ep!!

Today's episode is with the fabulous Emilia Victoria. Emilia was diagnosed with Endometriosis in 2018, after a long and painful 11 year journey to diagnosis. After this diagnosis, she launched @livingwithendometriosis__ as a way of raising awareness and helping others with what she’d been through. Emilia now touches on her experience with Endometriosis, TTC, Motherhood, PPD and anxiety as well as mental health and some fashion tips along the way!

We chat on: 

  • Emilia's endo story and lengthy journey to diagnosis

  • How Emilia is managing now and what the next phase of her endo experience looks like

  • Mental health and endo

  • Why she created her instagram + youtube @livingwithendometriosis__ and what she has been able to achieve since starting both

  • Trying to navigate being a mum and having a chronic illness as well

  • Plus so much more!

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Let’s Talk, Period. with Emilia Victoria.  If you want more from Emilia, you can follow her on instagram @livingwithendometriosis__ . If you want to keep updated with all things Let's Talk, Period. you can follow us on Instagram at @letstalkperiodau. Don't forget we also have our Let's Talk, Period. Community on facebook. It's the place for people with endo, adeno, pcos or chronic illnesses to ask questions, get support and connect with others who get it! You can join here!

Let’s Talk, Period. is an independent podcast, so if you did enjoy this episode and want to support the show,  it would be amazing if you could  follow on apple podcasts and leave a rating and review, or if you're listening along on spotify, you can follow the show  and leave a rating!

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Your host  is Isabella Gosling (@i_gosling)


Let’s Talk with Jess Coldrey


Let’s Talk, Endometriosis Part 2