Let’s Talk with Ebony Crameri

What better way to cap off PCOS Awareness Month than with today’s episode, with the amazing Ebony Crameri! Ebony is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and credentialed fertility & prenatal dietitian with 12 years clinical experience as a dietitian. Ebony has a special interest in nutrition for fertility, PCOS and endometriosis who provides online consultations to women across Australia and internationally. Ebony’s interest in fertility nutrition first developed after her own struggles with infertility and pregnancy losses. Ebony has turned her journey from infertility to motherhood into her passion and created her online nutrition practice to help women to support their reproductive and hormone health as well as optimise their diet for fertility. 

We talk on: 

  • What led Ebony to become a dietitian

  • Why birth control is so often prescribed for PCOS

  • Ebony’s approach when working with people who have PCOS

  • The role of insulin resistance, low progesterone and elevated cholesterol in PCOS

  • How to support your body to regulate your cycle and promote consistent ovulation

  • Ebony’s top three tips for navigating a new diagnosis of PCOS

  • Plus so much more!

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Let’s Talk, Period with Ebony Crameri, Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist. If you want more from Ebony, you can follow her on instagram at @hormone.nutrition or head to her website for more info on the services she provides, you can do this  If you want to keep updated with all things Let's Talk, Period. you can follow us on Instagram at @letstalkperiodau.

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Your host  is Isabella Gosling (@i_gosling)


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