Let’s Talk with Corrine Hye

Today's episode is with Corrine Hye! Corrine is the host of The Endo Chats Podcast. She moved to Australia in 2018 from Hampshire, England! It was then where she started her journey to diagnosis after suffering for 12 years with heavy, painful periods, back pain and chronic UTIs.After a 2 year battle with medical professionals. She was finally diagnosed with endometriosis in June 2020 through laparoscopic surgery. She has also been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis and has undergone a second laparoscopy, last year. It was in March 2021 on International Women’s Day that she launched her podcast, The Endo Chats Podcast with the aim of providing support to those that need it. She hopes to share relevant research and information that provides hope for members of the community and creates a positive, safe space for endo warriors all over the world.

We chat on: 

  • When Corrine began to realise her painful, heavy periods and back pain weren't normal

  • Her lengthy journey to getting a diagnosis of endometriosis

  • Corrine's tips for navigating the Aus healthcare system when you're from overseas

  • All about The Endo Chats Podcast and why Corrine wanted to start a podcast

  • How the podcast has been able to create change and help people

  • Plus so much more!

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Let’s Talk, Period. with Corrine Hye!  If you want more from Corrine,  you can follow her on instagram @theendochatspodcast. If you want to keep updated with all things Let's Talk, Period. you can follow us on Instagram at @letstalkperiodau. Don't forget we also have our Let's Talk, Period. Community on facebook. It's the place for people with endo, adeno, pcos or chronic illnesses to ask questions, get support and connect with others who get it! You can join here!

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Your host  is Isabella Gosling (@i_gosling)


Let’s Talk Adenomyosis


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