Let’s Talk with Angelica Gosling

Today’s episode is with my sister, Angelica! Angelica is an adenomyosis advocate and registered nurse, who is passionate about educating and supporting others living with endo, adeno or pcos. She was diagnosed with adeno in 2020 at 19 years old, after experiencing heavy bleeding, pelvic pain and fatigue since her early teens. Angelica is dedicated to making a difference in people’s lives and wants to change the narrative, taboo and stigma associated with periods, adeno and endo.

We chat on: 

  • Gel's experience with getting her first period and funny period stories

  • When she started to notice that things weren't quite right, and her journey to diagnosis with adenomyosis

  • How she's managing now since her diagnosis in 2020

  • Gel's tips for navigating relationships when living with chronic illnesses

  • What adeno has given her and what she hopes to see change in the pelvic health space

  • Plus so much more!

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Let’s Talk, Period. with Angelica Gosling!  If you want more from Gel,  you can follow her on instagram @a_gosling. If you want to keep updated with all things Let's Talk, Period. you can follow us on Instagram at @letstalkperiodau. Don't forget we also have our Let's Talk, Period. Community on facebook. It's the place for people with endo, adeno, pcos or chronic illnesses to ask questions, get support and connect with others who get it! You can join here!

If you haven't got your ticket for our Online Textured Paint + Sip for Adeno Awareness Month, get yours here! Tickets are $65 and you get allllll the materials sent straight to your door and it's going to be such a fun afternoon of connection, laughs and awareness! 

Let’s Talk, Period. is an independent podcast, so if you did enjoy this episode and want to support the show,  it would be amazing if you could  follow on apple podcasts and leave a rating and review, or if you're listening along on spotify, you can follow the show  and leave a rating!

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Your host  is Isabella Gosling (@i_gosling)


Let’s Talk Adenomyosis Part 2


Let’s Talk Adenomyosis