Let’s Talk with Amy Marks

Today's episode is with Amy Marks. Amy is an endometriosis sufferer, being officially diagnosed in 2020, after experiencing pain and symptoms for over 8 years. She is now studying part time and recently was successful in obtaining the Disability Support Pension. 

We chat on: 

  • Amy's experience being diagnosed with endo in 2020

  • What she would say to someone who has just been diagnosed with endo

  • The most challenging aspects of endometriosis and how it impacts her life

  • Tips for studying with a chronic illness

  • Amy’s experience being able to get the Disability Support Pension and her advice to someone going through that process

I also do a more in depth dive into the Disability Support Pension and the process behind it, including the income and assets test, medical rules and non-medical rules, income limits, evidence needed and the medical assessment to be granted the DSP. I also talk through what happens if you're unsuccessful and what to do next. I mention a few links in the ep, so they're down below for you to check them out, should you wish!

DSP Info + Links 

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Let’s Talk, Period with Amy Marks. If you want to keep updated with all things Let's Talk, Period. you can follow us on Instagram at @letstalkperiodau. Don't forget we also have our Let's Talk, Period. Community on facebook. It's the place for people with endo, adeno, pcos or chronic illnesses to ask questions, get support and connect with others who get it! You can join here!

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Your host  is Isabella Gosling (@i_gosling)


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