Your Go-To for all things Pelvic Health: Endo, Adeno, PCOS & Everything in Between
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Thursday 6 February 6:00pm AEST
Join Isabella & Courtney Bozinovski as she delves into the connection between inflammation and fatigue
Saturday 22 March 11:30am - 3:00pm
Join us this endometriosis awareness month to connect with others living with endo, raise awareness for endometriosis and raise funds funds for the Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia, the incredible organisation which runs the PPEP Talk® Schools Program!
What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse? What are the causes and symptoms? How can it be diagnosed and treated? All these questions and more are answered in our latest blog!
Sammii shares her experience of living with endometriosis and how she is supported within the workplace. She also calls on employers to do more when it comes to assisting those living with endometriosis.